CFA Three simple letters that mean so much more than the words behind them.

Ask any one of the 190,000 charterholders around the world who’ve earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and they’ll proudly tell you why they put those letters at the end of their names. They’ll tell you that it’s the most rigorous certification program for investment managers.

• That it gives them a comprehensive and proven understanding of investment management.
• That it demands strict ethical guidelines when dealing with investors while always putting their interests first.
• That employers feel reassured because of a charterholder’s ability to understand clients.
• That developing markets rely on charterholder expertise to help shape policy and regulations for emerging economies.

But what our charterholders will speak most glowingly about is how complete they feel as investment management professionals. How well-equipped they are to navigate the uncertainties of the financial world. And how committed they are to raising the standards of the investment management industry. Because, for them, those three letters make a real difference…

Adrian Zak, CFA

We share the Testimonial of Adrian Zak, CFA, member of the Board of Directors of our Society about the importance of the designation in his career. Watch it HERE.

Diego Stella, CFA

We are sharing the testimonial of Diego Stella, CFA, Vice President of the Board of Director of our Society. Watch it HERE!

Rodrigo Ribeiro, CFA

We share the Testimonial of Rodrigo Ribeiro, CFA, member of the Board of Directors of our Society about the importance of the designation in his career. Watch it HERE.

Fernando Zimet, CFA

How did the CFA designation made a difference in your life?

Gaining the Charter wasn’t easy, I was working full-time whilst taking the exams, right after finishing my Masters degree in International Economics. In 2010, I became a CFA Charterholder.On the bright side, it is not too expensive. On the flip side, it was tough, I studied long hours, both at the weekends and before and after work. I was lucky though not to fail any of the exams and that it did not get to ruin my personal life!

But it was worth the effort! The CFA charter gave me a pretty good financial knowledge, helping me to understand the link between the macroeconomy, accountancy, monetary policy and financial markets. Besides, the CFA charter is day after day more recognized in the financial environment, helping me to get visibility and adding credibility as a signal of competence.

How is the CFA I making a difference in the industry?

CFA Institute is a leading global organization that counts on a team of people with high commitment, a stated mission to promote the highest standard of ethics, education, and professional excellence for the ultimate benefit of society, and a decent amount of resources to do the job. In this regard, CFA Institute does not fall short of providing support to the financial markets in every single place of the world, pursuing a better world for investment professionals and for the society as a whole by trying to get back the lost confidence in financial markets and advisors. This should encourage safe investment habits, a more balanced global economic development and, hence, a better standard of living for mankind.

Sebastián Roda, CFA

How did the CFA designation made a difference in your life?

The first time I heard about the CFA designation was from my Finance professors at University, Diego Indarte, CFA and Fernando Zimet, CFA. I was very lucky to have those two excellent professionals teaching me the very basics about Finance. Once I finished my degree in Economics I noticed that a career in Investments was what I wanted. A few years later, I decided to switch jobs, began working as a Financial Analyst at an Investment Management company and commenced studying the CFA Program.

What a journey! It took me hundreds of hours, a lot of coffee, many missed social events and (maybe) a few kilos to approve all three levels. At the end, I’m happy to say it was worth it… The only way to finish this race, is to enjoy the ride. The CFA program gave me the tools to better understand my job as an Analyst but more importantly it gave me the opportunity to meet an incredible amount of excellent professionals and remarkable persons.